browningtonjunctionsunset North Country Mountaineers, Inc.
Irasburg, Newport, & Coventry
Orleans County, Vermont

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North Country Mountaineers, Inc.

Click on the established date above
to view the minutes from the very first two meetings
of the North Country Moun
Reputed to be one of the first snowmobile clubs established in the state. Initial meetings were held at the Top Deck, a former restaurant and
campground about five miles down on the west side of Lake Memphremagog. Story telling with charter members reveals evidence of the true pioneers our forefathers were to the sport of snowmobiling and the North Country Mountaineers.

Click photo right
to view our
vintage photo album.


2024 - 2025
Election of officers takes place annually.
Officers & More Trail Master
President  George St. Onge Steve Dalpe
David Aho
Vice President  Steve Dalpe Trails Reporter Don Bennett
Treasurer  Gloria Willis Steve Dalpe Konnor Dalpe
Secretary  Irene Farrar Groomer Operators Billy Holbrook
Web Site Administrator  Irene Farrar David Aho (Spare) Ken Mandeville
VAST NEWS Correspondent  Irene Farrar Steve Dalpe Louis Piette
Konnor Dalpe (Spare) Marcel Roy

Billy HolbrookDoug Runne

Marcel Roy

Kyle Dalpe (Spare)
Cy Boomer

Grant Stelter

L to R: Groomer Operators - George St. Onge, Don Bennett, Steve Dalpe, Norm Bennett
and creator of our newest trail from Pine Hill to Brownington - Ken Mandeville

Monthly Meetings
We have monthly meetings during the months of December, January, February, March and April.
Each meeting usually involves some fun activity like a pot luck dinner or a mystery ride. In the spring, we have a sugar on snow gathering.
The meetings are advertised on our home page and announced via e-mail.
Everyone is welcome!
If you would like to be added to this e-mail list please contact us via e-mail here.

Historical Photo Album from awhile ago!
We are a hard working group of volunteers who love Vermont and snowmobiling.
Our club enjoys taking club rides together, and usually plans one overnight ride a year.
The pictures below are just a few from our meetings and outings.

2014 Bogner Bridge Project
November 3, 2014
BognerBridge1 BognerBridge2
Photos by Steve Dalpe

Finshed bridge with railing.
Coventry Station Trimming Projec
January 18, 2015
Click on image on left to see all photos,
click on image on right to see 30 second time lapse of the
last hour and a half of trail trimming on Coventry station!

Trimming Project   TreeTrimmingTimeLaspe

2012 Trail Reroute
North Country Mountaineers had to create a reroute by the Newport Armory in Newport, VT. Steve Dalpe reports he had an eager crew of five high school men that got the job done!!! They worked hard and all had a fun time doing the re-route. They met at Martha's Diner in Coventry where Steve bought them breakfast, and then they were charged up and ready to go. Much appreciation goes out to our younger generation for all their hard work and promotion of our sport of snowmobiling. Left to Right: (front row) Gerin Pepin, Trevor Rowell, Nick Miller, Konnor Dalpe (back row) Kyle Dalpe, Steve Dalpe

the boys

reroute1 reroute2
reroute3 reroute4
Croteau Bridge Project 2014

CroteauBridge  CroteauBridge14B
November 15, 2014

New bridge on our Croteau Run built by
George St. Onge, Marshall Bowman, Roger Piette,
Dave Aho, Peter Lafleur & Steve Dalpe!!!

Nice Bridge and just needs railing,
but all were too pooped and tired.


Croteau bridge finished Dec. 2, 2014
Photos by Steve Dalpe
Overnight Club Ride 2011

Let's hope we have the snow to make this happen!

To see a photo album of the 2009 trip,
click on photo below.


To see a couple of videos from the trip
on "you tube" click here.
2011 Bridgework
Photos by David Aho
Out on the Pine Hill Trail

Saturday, January 15, 2011

NewGroomer       NewGroomer2
Steve    Back
2011 Pisten Bully PB400

View photos of NCM Trail Projects 2010

Click Here!

View photos of NCM bridgework
October 2009

Click Here!

Club Ride - Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011
A favorite pit stop with an outhouse between Lowell and Troy.
Sharyn Blake, Pauline & Larry Gage, Sue and Bob Best and George St. Onge laughing at Pauline's explanation about a different outhouse she experienced today. You had to be there!
Club Ride - Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011
The approach to a great view at Jay Peak on a clear day, which this day was not.
Club Ride - Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011
Jay Peak stop - Gloria Willis, George St. Onge, Larry Gage and Ken Mandeville relaxing before we take off again.
Club Ride - Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011
Wayne's Snack Bar - Meeting Destination
Norm and Don Bennett approaching their seats while Steve Dalpe with his two sons and a friend discuss something funny with Sharyn Blake.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Irasburg Village School's Winter Carnival 2010
North Country Mountaineers for the past several years has joined the community of Irasburg, in having our club's groomer present at the school's Winter Carnival for all the Kids, Teachers & Parents to enjoy.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Irasburg Village School's Winter Carnival 2010
The club grooms to the school the day of the event, and the operator gives rides to all that are interested (And There Are Many Interested).
While grooming around the school, the operator explains how the groomer works and how we take care of smoothing all those trails.
The trail groomer is the biggest attraction the Winter Carnival has, and the lines of kids and parents waiting to ride in the machine is just AWESOME !!!!!!
Cynthia Diaz and son Robbie on club ride which
started at Cynthia's home in Coventry.
Over 20 members joined the ride to Newport
Center, Troy, Lowell, Albany, Irasburg and ending
at Martha's Diner.
The Curran family on our
Jan. 18, 2009 club ride.
Garrett, Shannon, Hannah and Matt Curran
Paul Deslandes with daughter Amanda at a
former Pancake Breakfast event when Amanda
was a toddler.
Today Amanda now in high school with father Paul
Deslandes on our recent snowmobile ride,
Jan. 18, 2009.
George St. Onge, President & Laura St. Onge, 2008-09 Treasurer
(not related)

conducting a little business after our December meeting.
Irene Farrar, Membership Chair & Don Bennett, Director
and Groomer Operator looking at the new web site
at our December meeting.
Cynthia Diaz talking with Matt and Shannon Curran,
new members of the club.
Don Bennett, Steve Dalpe and Ken Mandeville at
our December meeting.
Huz Joseph sharing a few stories at the surprise retirement
party he was given by the club. Huz was NCM treasurer for
20 years or more. Elmer Maxfield, Past President in the
 background, Sherry Bradley and Sally Wright looking on.
Maurice and Lois Maxwell
Esther and Marshall Bowman
NCM long term members honoring Huz Joseph at his
retirement party.
Don Bennett's daughter Kristen celebrating her 15th birthday
on a club ride to Burke.
Robbie Diaz celebrating a birthday on another club ride
in Newport with mom Cynthia and Robert Farrar and George
 St. Onge looking on.
Rona Bruneau, Sherry Bradley and Norm Bennett enjoying a
hot dog roast on the trail. (Overnight club ride to Colebrook.)
Don Bennett with his snow buddy on a club ride to Burke
and St. Jay.
Don Bennett, Steve Dalpe, Kevin Lacoss and George St. Onge
groomer operators extraordinaire! (Club ride to Lowell.)
Ken Mandeville having a little snowball fight on
our club ride to Burke.
Steve Dalpe's son Connor having a great time jumping into the
depths of the snow.
Don Bennett, Steve Dalpe, Rona Bruneau & Irene Farrar taking
a trail break.
Larry Gage riding up the feeder trail from the motel in St.
Jay on an overnight club ride.
Huz Joseph, our fearless leader, checking to see if
everyone is still with the group on an overnight
club ride to Colebrook, NH.
From the days when people collected decals
from their local clubs. A little piece of history.

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